F …for visions to become reality R CHANGE

For businesses

I will help you and your business to find the most feasible path to implement required changes.

Making any change in a business is much easier if it is managed and controlled.

Change management enables

An active, controlled change in any business brings many advantages compared to merely responding to a changing situation.

Thanks to my practical experience, I am able to encompass the entire process of change – from the brainstorming stage to formulating the resulting ideas and specifications and from implementing necessary measures to ensuring the practical implementation of the change.

You can also approach me if you need to support a specific activity within the process of change, such as the actual decision-making and the coordination of a change, if you wish to ensure smooth collaboration across various teams, to solve interpersonal problems or to help with the stress management within the process of change.

What types of changes I have experience with

When larger projects are involved, I work with colleagues from Germany who are market and production optimization specialists. If necessary, I also organize and coordinate work with other professionals (such as lawyers, tax advisers, accountants, engineers etc.)


Ing. Lenka Palatová

Mobile+420 602 610 086
AddressWuchterlova 5
160 00 Praha 6

Billing information

AddressIng. Lenka Palatová
Na Kodymce 14
160 00 Praha 6
Vat IDCZ6754211321

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